Training programs

Practicum and metapracticum

The Accademia di Psicoterapia della Famiglia (Family Therapy Academy) has been organizing  for a number of  years intensive courses (Practicum) for foreign therapists, in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese languages. The professional handicap and the use of self of the therapist have been the main focus of the courses directed by Maurizio Andolfi and the Accademia senior faculty members.

Metapracticum are  residential courses  on specific topics for teachers and therapists who have acquired a deeper  clinical experience and have been participating previously to a practicum in Rome.

The professional handicap and the use of self of the therapist

The aim of the Practicum is to work on therapist’s professional handicap by connecting the present impasses  one might experience while working with families and couples, with one’s own personal growth & critical developmental stages.

The self of therapist can be activated through the exploration of his/her own family genogram in order to discover silent, distant or neglected dimensions of  one’s own  family development and through family sculpture. 

The inner personal/professional dialogue or blockage of the therapist will be explored with the activation of the group, in order to increase competence and self-confidence in each participant.

Genograms, family sculptures and role-plays will be some of the concrete tools used to explore family myths and intergenerational cut-off as well as discovering family resilience and strength.

Through personal disclosure, participants will learn how to use themselves more freely in therapy at cognitive, emotional & experiential level, and how to stay close to the client/s’ pain and despair as well as to their hopes and dreams.


The Family Therapy Academy organizes externship programs for foreign therapists able to speak and understand the Italian language and willing to learn about the Academia model of therapy and supervision.

 Externs can observe and actively participate to therapies with families and couples in the “polo clinico”, (a specialized  section of clinical services) and be included  in training classes with Italian students during their  clinical   and   personal formation’s courses.

During the externship it is possible to enter in the Academy’s Multimedia library  and watch Andolfi edited clinical videos of his  master series as well as his video lectures. Videos of the pioneers of family therapy are also available.

The externs can attend the scientific conferences and lectures organized by the Academy.

Extern programs are very flexible with a suggested minimum length of 2 weeks till one month, few months, over one year.

Brief visit at the Family Therapy Academy

Single person or group visit at the Academia can be scheduled for one day till a week. Foreign colleagues can interact with clinical staff, residents of our school of specialization and watch Andolfi’s Master Series.

Workshops and Courses abroad

Courses and Diplomas abroad

The Academy organizes courses and master programs abroad in collaboration with foreign Universities and Family Therapy Institutions.

The Academia have been running a Two years Diploma in Multigenerational Family Therapy according to Andolfi method in Mexico, in Sydney and more recently in Malaysia, where the Andolfi Family Therapy Centre has been founded in Kuala Lumpur .


Andolfi has been conducting hundreds of workshops and seminars in different parts of the world. For inviting him or Academy senior supervisors to give a workshop/seminar write to Laura Bruno (