Certified MGFT therapists

Frank Asmus is working as a psychiatrist and family therapist at BuurtzorgT Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
He is a family therapy supervisor and learning therapist.
He has helped with the translation in Dutch of two books of Maurizio Andolfi: ‘The child in family therapy’ (2010) and ‘Teens voices; adolescents in family therapy’(2012). And was also involved in the making of the documentary: Andolfi, teacher in the school of life (Besamusca, 2014).
He is board member of The Rotterdam Circle, which invited Maurizio Andolfi almost every year since 1998, for two days of consultation sessions. 

Psychologist and Family Therapist. Undergraduate and postgraduate lecturer in systemic theory and family psychotherapy, family psychotherapy and teacher of the postgraduate programme “Diplomado en Terapia e Intervención Psicosocial Multigenerational Therapy and Intervention” at the Universidad Mayor, Santiago de Chile.

Member of the Ibero-American Institute of the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, Washington DC (USA) and collaborating member of the Psychosocial Department of the Instituto Chileno de Terapia Familiar. He is a member of the International Committee of the Journal Terapia Familiar of the Academy of Family Psychotherapy, Rome, Italy.

Deputy and Technical Director of Corporación OPCION (a private non-profit organisation serving more than 15,000 children and their families).

website: centromultigeneracional.cl

Psychiatrist and child psychiatrist, family therapist, trainer and supervisor I work today in a private office, after 23 years as medical head of an institute which treats adolescents and young adults in a systemic way. I’m also an attached teacher in the University of Nantes (Master 2 of psychology). And I’m a doctor attached in a department of eating disorders and family therapy in theUniversity Hospital Center of Nantes. I’m member of EFTA, and International Scientific Committee of the APF, and InternationalEditorial Committee of the review Terapia Familiare.

website: www.nantesarmorsante.fr/psychiatre

Vice-President of Malaysian Marriage and Family Therapy Association (MyMFT). Senior Lecturer at a private university in Malaysia. She is a practicing registered licensed counselor and a psychotherapist who is passionate on issues of couples and family functioning. She is a trained Family Therapist under the internationally renowned Master Family Therapist Professor Maurizio Andolfi from Italy and supervised in Multi-generational Family Therapy.

She conducts couples and family therapy and a certified supervisor for counseling trainees at the counseling master’s program at the university. She was also a Fellow Member of Asian Academy of Family Therapy (AAFT) and CIFA Vice- Chairperson Malaysia -Singapore (Consortium of Families in the Asian Region) and part of the Scientific Committee for CIFA and had collaborated in regional research since 2015. She was also appointed as a member of The Advisory Board of Counselors Malaysia by the Minister in the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development in 2019-2021.

Clinical Psychologist, Family and Couple Therapist, Specialist in Group Dynamics. Educator and Coordinator of the Masters in Clinical Psychology at UNIBE and USAL. Specialist in Crisis and Trauma Intervention.


Psychotherapist and mediator.
I did my training in systemic therapy at the Forestière-ULB organised by Annig SEGERS, from 2008 to 2012. I’m the president and founder of the OMA international mediation and training centre, in partnership with ABIPFS (Association Belge pour l’Intervention et la Pyschothérapie Familiale et Systémique) represented by Mathieu Mullingan.

Since 2019, I’m the head of the European School of Philosophy and Psychotherapy E.E.P.A. in Brussels, which is a branch of the Parisian school affiliated to the Sigmund Freud University directed by Nicole Aknin.
In the span of the last 10 years, I attended several intensive courses, training programs, conferences organized by the Accademia di Psicoterapia della famiglia and I attended to an intensive course on the use of self with Maurizio Andolfi in Brisbane, Australia.

I am enthusiastic about sharing the model of multigenerational family therapy taught by the Rome school with my patients and students as part of the EEPA or on request for private or university organizations.

Email contact: evelyne.meissirel@eepa-eu.com

Mental Health Nurse, Family & Couple Therapist AAFT, Clinical Member & Accredited Clinical Supervisor AAFT David Hong, ex-M’sian is a practicing Family & Couple Therapist. He has over 30 years of clinical experience working with children and adolescents with serious emotional & behavioural issues, and or mental health problems, & their families. He has worked for 15 years in the Catholic School System as an outreach family therapist and School Counsellor.

Since 2015, he has been teaching the Certification in Family Therapy and to date has trained over a 100 Allied Health Professionals. He can be credited with the development of the family therapy movement in Malaysia. He has also been providing ongoing clinical group supervision with his students who have

had attended the Certification Program to ensure the provision of support and clinical development for his student. Since 2005, he has ongoing advanced training and supervision under the guidance of Professor Maurizio Andolfi, Master Family Therapist and a trained Child Psychiatrist.

website: www.andolfi.au/meet-david

Director of the NQ Family Therapy Centre in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. 

Eriola completed her Clinical Psychology degree in 2006 in Europe. She has completed the Master of Professional Psychology at Central Queensland University (CQU). She is a General Psychologist and a Supervisor under the Australian Health and Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) in Australia. 

Eriola has experience in counselling and therapy, assisting Children, Teenagers, Individuals, Couples and Families. She has trained as a Family Therapist in Italy and Australia under the supervision of Professor Maurizio Andolfi. 


  • Master of Professional Psychology
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Multigenerational Family Therapy
  • Multigenerational Family Therapist
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
  • Memberships
  • Member of the Australian Psychological Society (MAPS)
  • Registered Psychologist and Supervisor-Psychology Board of Australia (AHPRA)
  • Clinical Member – Australian Association of Family Therapy (AAFT)
  • Affiliate with the Accademia di Psicoterapia Rome


Clinical Psychologist, Director Clinical Supervision Services, Sydney Australia Dr. Senediak, has a strong interest in evidence based practice and systems theory and has integrated these approaches in her work as therapist, educator and supervisor.

She is a National Educator for the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) providing Psychology Supervisor training. After over 35 years working within the public and private health.

Individual, Couples & Family Therapist in Perth, Western Australia.

Narina is a dedicated, passionate and highly qualified Registered Psychologist with 30 years of experience in the field and she is highly committed to providing a high-quality counselling service that works towards helping clients to address problematic issues in their lives, learn healthier coping skills and resources that will ensure greater happiness and well-being.

She, has extensive experience working across different fields and supports all ages from children, adolescents, adults and older adults. She has also been a teacher on the Andolfi Multigenerational Family Therapy post-graduate diploma program in Sydney & Malaysia. She has edited several of Maurizio Andolfi’s best selling books. 

Qualifications: BA (Psych), BPsych, MCouns&Psychotherapy

Over 10 years training and supervision with Maurizio Andolfi in Multigenerational family therapy. 

Family psychotherapist, orthopedagogist, trainer and supervisor Belgian Association of Trainers in Systemic Therapy (BVOS), coordinator Rapunzel Institute, Belgium.

website: rapunzelvzw.be